Welcome to All Aligned!
We all have busy lives and unfortunately our own health can sometimes take a backseat.
I wanted to create a place that makes taking care of YOU a little bit easier. Life is about balance, you should never have to deprive yourself, but you should take care of yourself. Yoga, especially, has brought joy and balance to my life and I want to share that! If you join me here, I will help you align your body and your mind through health and fitness, working together to achieve balanced and happy lives!
Weekly Yoga Schedule
Here are your suggested yoga videos for this week. Feel free to make this work for you and your schedule by changing up the days if needed, but try and make it a goal to practice yoga at least 3 days a week.
How to Relieve Sciatica Pain
Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body, starting at your low back and then running down the back of the leg. Sciatica pain, caused from either compression in the low spine or from a tight Piriformis muscle (a small muscle located behind your Gluteus Maximus), can usually go away on its own, but if the pain consists yoga can help relieve that discomfort. Click on ‘Read More’ to check out these 6 yoga poses that either focus on stretching out the Piriformis muscle or stretching/strengthening your low back, which can help to ease the pain and bring back mobility and strength to your back and legs.
*Always consult with your doctor first and gently ease into any pose before increasing intensity and/or duration.

Yoga Flows & Stretching Videos
Eat Well • Live Well
What is Matcha?
You’ve probably heard or seen about matcha tea, but do you really know what it is and wonder why this has become so popular?! Well, matcha is a powder that is filled with antioxidants that help provide a vast amount of health benefits from preventing cancer, to boosting energy, to improving your immune system to helping with weight loss and thats just to name a few! Click on the link below to check out all the amazing health benefits this powder has to offer and to see all of its nutritional facts!
Bonus: You don’t have to just enjoy matcha as a hot or iced tea, you can add it to a smoothie as well!
Matcha Smoothie:
1 Cup unsweetened original or vanilla almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Tone It Up Protein, can be found at Target)
1/2 cup frozen pineapples
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup spinach
1 TBS chia seeds
1 tsp matcha powder
Blend all together and enjoy!
Monthly Feature